Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Blogging Software and Steroids

There is a lot of buzz about blogging software in the news these days, as well as stories about steroids. What do they have to do with one another? We will see in a moment!

Blogs come in three basic types, though there are no rules or standards to follow, just general categories.

Types of blogs

  1. Cat blogs
  2. Community blogs
  3. Business blogs

A cat blog describes the type of blog you might have just because you want to have one. It could be about cats, travel, your family, or anything else that is of interest to you personally. Cat blogs are not intended to make any money, they are like an advanced personal journal.

Community blogs are there to communicate to groups such as teams, schools or businesses. Announcements, schedules or plans can be given to everyone at the same time, which is a lot better than a phone tree! People can check in at work, or from school, or at home at their own convenience.

Business blogs are those that are intended to make money. Often business blogs are used in conjunction with a regular web site as a way of providing fresh, up to date information relevant to the business.

Business blogs can also be a sort of hybrid of a traditional web site and a new media blog. This means that the better blogging software has features that enable the blogger to add advertisements, affiliate links, images, navigation tabs, videos, audio recordings, podcasts, and just about anything else you can imagine.

This is the part about steroids

Imagine if you could have a business blog that was like an athlete on steroids, without the bad side effects! You would be miles ahead of your competition and hopefully more profitable with less effort.

There are numerous steroids you can put your blog on without getting into any black hat trouble. Black hat means underhanded, sneaky methods of trying to trick the search engines into liking your site or blog. It is a futile game of cat and mouse and should be avoided.

Some of the ways you can put your blog on steroids is by efficient search engine optimization of your posts ( just as with a web site), using podcasts, video and encouraging reader participation through comments. The comments are a great way to gather in-bound links from many sources, which will help your blog to gain page rank.

Here is the best part

What if you could automatically send your posts to many reputable blogs and web sites with the click of your mouse? That would get your post out there instantly, people could add it to their RSS feed and add it to their favorite list or send it to their friends.

Imagine how quickly word of your great content would spread through the community of like-minded readers. People who are interested in what you offer would be much more easily connected and very quickly.

My own business blog has provided me with a massive amount of information relative to my interests. I can see what people are interested in, what they read, how long they read it, where they came from and all kinds of useful data. This blog is a good example of how quickly you can get good page ranking and be indexed by Google.

The problem with feeding all those social networks takes a lot of time because you must manually submit each post to every single network. Somebody figured out a way to do this automatically and ethically, and the search engines just love it! Maybe everybody already knows about how this works, but none of my colleagues seem to have any idea.

I have no idea how the blogging software works, but I do know that it works! When I make a post I get a report of where it has been sent. If I check in at Technorati, for example, I can see instantly what is going on with my post.

This seemingly small ability of the blogging software is just like putting a blog on steroids because the performance is dramatically enhanced. Of course, you need to have good content and integrity in your intentions in order to succeed in your online business.

There is no magic bullet or hidden secrets, just a lot of honest, hard work to provide a useful service that meets the needs of people.

As you build your community, the effects just continue to grow and one thing leads to the next. It is well worth your time to investigate this blogging software to put your business on steroids.

Have you ever wondered, How do I start blogging?

Randy Hough
Family Stess and Health

Mother Teresa: "I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much."

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