Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Blog Writing - Top Five Tips For A Blog Readers Love

Whether you're a writer or not, you can write a blog readers love. Bloggers don't have to be "writers", they need to be communicators, and you can communicate in many ways, including via audio (podcasting) and via video.

If you've been hesitating to create a blog, here's how to create a blog that your readers will love so that you get great traffic.

1. Write as you speak on your blog - in a casual style

It's important to write as you speak - in a conversational style. When you write as you speak, you're writing is easy to understand and enjoyable to read.

If you're used to creating business documents, it may be difficult for you to develop a conversational style at first, however your ability to write as you speak will increase with practice.

Of course you can always take a shortcut, and that's by actually speaking your blog posts, using voice recognition software, or a digital recorder.

2. Use paragraphs, with a maximum of three sentences per paragraph

When blogging, you're writing to be read on the Web. It's very difficult to read on a computer screen so you need to write differently from how you would write for a print publication

Create short paragraphs, with no more than three sentences per paragraph. You can also use a bullet points, and include headings and subheadings.

Readers scan online rather than reading, so your readers will appreciate your attention to their needs.

3. Keep most of your blog posts short, but also create longer "feature" posts

Most blog posts are short. However you can also create longer feature posts which can be up to a couple of thousand words in length. These feature posts are usually reference material, or other material which give readers a background in the topic of your blog.

Take your time writing these longer posts. When they're complete you can link to them from the home page of your blog, so that your readers will find them.

You can also turn these longer feature posts into reports, which you can give to readers in exchange for their email addresses. An email "list" is very useful - if you are writing a money making blog, you can market to these readers.

4. Have a plan for your blog, and stick to the plan

It's important that you have a plan for your blog, and that you stick to this plan. Your plan should include the topics you will cover on the blog, how you'll market your blog, and a schedule for blog posts.

If you have several authors for your blog, ensure that they post to the blog on a schedule too. This is easier when they create draft posts to be published later.

Most blogs take at least six months to gain a steady group of readers. You can get readers faster by marketing your blog consistently. Once you have ten blog posts start to market your blog to both advertisers and to readers.

5. Create a "New to this blog? Start here" page, with links to introductory posts

Because blogs have a chronological order newer posts will push the older posts down and finally off the front page.

Therefore readers who are new to the blog are disoriented. Ensure that you create a "new to this blog?" Page on your blog and provide links to those posts which will help your readers to get to know you.

Blogging is both easy and fun. Follow the five tips above to create a blog which readers will love.

Blogging PLUS coaching ensures that you'll make money. Pro blogger and copywriter Angela Booth has been making money blogging since 2002. She'll teach you how to blog the right way, so your blog is profitable from the start, with her bestseller, "Blogging for Dollars" at

Angela's blogging ebook package has a companion blog, the Blogging for Dollars Blog at which keeps you up to date with what's happening in the world of professional blogging.

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