Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Creative Content - The Best Blog Promotion Strategy

The online marketing arena is a very competitive one, you will often find yourself competing against hundreds of thousands if not millions of sites which are trying to promote a certain idea which falls within your niche, in order to set yourself apart from the ever growing sea of blogs and spam blogs you have to come up with unique, original and creative content, there is no two ways about it.

When we talk about original content there are two concepts that come to mind immediately, your understanding of the word creative and original may differ if you have a search engine optimization or Internet marketing background, if this is a case then you obviously be thinking about original content for search engines, this is usually the mistake that most Internet marketers make, they focus on creating content that will seem original to Google and many other search engines however, tricking the search engines into believing that your site is completely unique will not do you any good if your visitors coming to your site once, spend a few seconds and then bounce back to the page they came from.

Retaining your visitors is just as important as bringing them to your site in the first place, I say this because there is an increasing number of webmasters who specially focus on grabbing someone else's content and then spinning them in order to create what they think to be original content for the search engines.

When someone grabs spins an article the keywords that make it have sense art lost in the replacement, as a result the final excerpt will make no sense at all when read by a human, search engines spiders don't yet have the capability of associating one word with another or a group of sentences in order to determine whether or not a paragraph makes sense however, as the semantic web unfolds and grows into a more intelligent stage these content spamming methods will become obsolete.

So we go back to square one, what is the best method to promote your content? -- I am sure you have heard this hundreds if not thousands of times, then go ahead and remind you one more time: "content is king" -- content refers to text, images, audio, video files an interactive material which you may embed and show visitors who come to your site, as you see he doesn't only involve text which is what most people think when they were content comes in to play. Creating good materials and a good web design will help you go a long way when promoting your newly created blog.

Learn more about blog promotion and website optimization, visit us today to get more blog marketing tips.

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