Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Money Making Free Blogs - The Discreet Links Hot Selling Tip

To be able to make money, online entrepreneurs who own blogs look for the loudest most prominent colorful banner ads they can find. This is a very big mistake.

If you look at my free blogs, you will hardly find any banner advertisements. The problem with many people is that they assume that the online equivalent of those pretty full color print ads will help them online. They completely ignore the facts. Sadly they do not even bother to test their beautiful color banner ads against ugly links ads. They forget that Google is a multi-billion dollar corporation, thanks mainly to "ugly link ads."

I have tested my links extensively and I have realized another fascinatingly hot tip that will help you drive loads of traffic to your sales page and which will in turn lead to plenty of sales is to make your links as relevant as possible with the content that you have on your blog. The whole idea is to ensure that your links never at any time look like advertisements because it is a well known fact that people hate to be advertised to online.

Rather the link should be a source of further information. This is exactly the simple strategy what has made Google Adsense text link advertisements so successful.

The way you succeed making money with free blogs is by having a very clear idea of how to use your text links to drive qualified leads to the page where you make your sales pitch on your money making free blog.

You have a chance today to get hold of all the insider secrets I still use to generate lots of cash from my money making free blogs

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